Ingredients for the foundation:
- 300 g Ground Plasma
- 2 spoons of cocoa
- 180 ml of milk
- 125 melted butter
Ingredients for the filling:
- 500 g of cream cheese
- 500 ml of sweet cream
- 150 g of powdered sugar
- 300 g of dark chocolate
- 10 g of gelatin
Ingredients for the ganache:
- 100 g of dark chocolate
- 100 ml of sweet cream
- 50 g of ground plasma
- Fresh strawberries
- Mini Plasma
1. Step
In a large bowl, combine the melted butter, Ground Plasma, cocoa and milk.
2. Step
Pour the resulting base mixture into a mold with a diameter of 26 cm.
3. Step
Spread the base evenly on the bottom of the mold and set aside to cool.
4. Step
Prepare the gelatin according to the instructions on the packet.
5. Step
Break the chocolate into small pieces and melt it in steam.
6. Step
Whip the sweet cream and add powdered sugar and cream cheese.
7. Step
Continue beating until the cheese is combined with the cream.
8. Step
Melt the swollen gelatin and add it to the cheese mixture while stirring constantly.
9. Step
Slowly add the melted chocolate to the mixture while whisking with a mixer.
10. Step
When the mass is combined, pour it into the mold, distribute it evenly, then leave it to cool.
11. Step
While the cheesecake is cooling, make the ganache by boiling the sweet cream, pouring it over the chocolate and mixing well until all the chocolate has melted.
12. Step
Add Ground Plasma to the ganache and let it cool at room temperature for at least half an hour.
13. Step
Remove the cheesecake from the mold, pour the cooled ganache over the cheesecake, decorate with fresh strawberries and mini Plasma.